Professional Horseman's School


Professional Horseman's School


Why choose the Professional Horseman's School?

A School for the
Modern Horseman

In quickly evolving industry, students at the Professional Horseman's School are taught by the leading industry professionals and learn how to develop the highest quality skills and knowledge to get real, respected results with horses and in building their own successful horse business!

In today's modern market, it takes much more than time in the barn to become a successful horse trainer.

Unlike any other program, The Professional Horseman's School teaches each student how to successfully build their own business using proven online strategies that build their own brand, digital presence and authority in the industry, as well as successfully train horses for clients, teach students and achieve unparalleled high-quality results that will separate them from the competition.

Why choose the Professional Horseman's School?

A School for the
Modern Horseman

In quickly evolving marketplace, students at the Professional Horseman's School are taught by the leading industry professionals and learn how to develop the highest quality skills and knowledge to get real, respected results with horses and in building their own successful horse business!

In today's modern market, it takes much more than time in the barn to become a successful horse trainer.

Unlike any other program, The Professional Horseman's School teaches each student how to successfully build their own business using proven online strategies that build their own brand, digital presence and authority in the industry, as well as successfully train horses for clients, teach students and achieve unparalleled high-quality results that will separate them from the competition.

Who is the Professional Horseman's School for?

PHS students are horsemen and women who are committed to mastering the art of horsemanship and placing the integrity of the horse at the forefront of their work. Students of the Professional Horseman's School understand that horse trainers do far more than ride horses and teach - they are equestrian entrepreneurs. The embrace the responsibility of building their business and are dedicated to finding the best resources to propel them towards their dreams. They are action takers with a keen attention to detail and a willingness to buck tradition and try new ideas and approaches to redefine what it means to be a horse trainer.

What Our Students Are Saying

Wild Mustang Program

Giving American Mustangs a Second Chance at Freedom

The Professional Horseman's School proudly integrates American Mustangs within each of our courses where they will transform from wild to willing partners prepared for success in our domesticated lifestyle.

At the end of their journey at the Professional Horseman's School, each mustang is offered for sale to the public.

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